A Look Back at Our 2023 Team Retreat | Energy Circle, LLC

A Look Back at Our 2023 Team Retreat

Cory Allyn

Once a year, the entire team at Energy Circle steps away from our regular marketing duties and gathers for our annual retreat: a multi-day getaway, often in a less populated area of Maine.

This year's retreat was held in Newry, right next door to the Sunday River ski resort. Our retreats are a mix of reflecting on the past year, planning for the year ahead, and they always carve out plenty of time for food and team bonding.

From a spirited Dungeons & Dragons campaign to a "campfire" sing along, this year's retreat was a blast!

Check out the video below to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the Energy Circle team hard at work (and, in the after hours, hard at play...).

Are you as ready as our team to start marketing in 2024? Contact us here to learn how our skills can help grow your solar, home performance, or HVAC business next year.


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